Saturday, March 28, 2009

Google Adwords Links and Resources

As you know a while back SEO the Search shared a deal to get you started on Google Adwords with $25 Credit For Google Adwords. I also wanted to share a number of very helpful links and resources to get you started on Google Adwords if you are interested in advertising on Google through their Pay Per Click (PPC) program.

Here is a great 10 step quick overview of Google Adwords from Google that you can go through and read in about 5 minutes. Another great Google Adwords link from Google is AdWords Help that offers a nicely laid out site map of helpful Google Adwords links. Google also offers a Google Adwords Learning Center. The Google Adwords Learning Center contains an incredible Lessons Catalog with lessons available to anyone in Multimedia or Text formats (it all depends on your learning style). Each lesson has a quiz you can take to test what you have learned about Google Adwords. If you are trying to sign-up a client with Google Adwords or you are trying to convince your marketing department to try Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising then the Selling the Benefits of AdWords (7 min) lesson is a must! And the last Google Adwords resource that I want to share is the Inside Adwords Blog. The Inside Adwords Blog has a following of almost 20,000 people!

Here is a Google Adwords video titled, "An introduction to Google AdWords":

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